



    Cancers have been known since human societies first recorded their activities,

    but the formal study of cancer (i.e., oncology) was first documented in the

    seventeenth century. Cancer can be defined as a disease of an uncontrolled division

    of abnormal cells. Cancer not only affects human and higher mammals,

    but it affects almost all the multicellular organisms — animals as well as

    plants. Nearly 175 years ago, the German microscopist, Johannes Müller, was

    the first to show that cancers were made up of cells. After this finding, an

    enormous amount of information has been amassed about this disease.

    Markedly, in the past two decades, rapid technological advancement has aided

    us as we dissever the cancer genomes, transcriptome, and proteome, in detail.

    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for one

    in every eight deaths — more than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.

    According to GLOBOCAN (2008), approximately 12.7 million people are

    diagnosed with cancer every year, causing approximately 7.6 million

    deaths.1 During the past several decades, numerous epidemiological and

    experimental studies have resulted in significant progress in understanding

    the molecular mechanisms of cancer development. These studies also suggest

    that lifestyle plays a critical role in the development of this disease. For

    instance, obese and diabetic patients have a greater susceptibility to cancer

    than lean and non-diabetic individuals. Moreover, it has been well established

    that a diet rich in saturated fats and red meats and low in fresh fruits,

    vegetables, and whole grains has been shown to increase the risk of cancer.

    According to the United States National Institutes of Health, “12 servings of

    fruits and vegetables a day” can prevent common diseases including cancer.

    This clearly shows the importance of fruits and vegetables in the prevention

    of this disease. In this chapter, we will discuss the common fruits and vegetables

    that are known to have anticancer properties. However, we will first

    place the subject in context, discussing the history, classification and development

    of cancer and its different treatment modalities.


                         Classification of Cancer

    The classification of cancer is highly complicated due to the presence of a

    wide variety of human cancers that arise in almost every tissue in our

    body. Oncologists and cancer biologists classify cancers based on the tissues

    of origin, regardless of organ location, focusing on similarities in

    cellular structure and function among tumors. A tumor is an abnormal

    mass of tissue that can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant

    (cancerous). Tumors can be either a solid mass comprised of epithelial or

    mesenchymal cells that are usually immobile, or they can be a liquid sac,

    which includes leukemias and lymphomas comprising neoplastic cells

    whose precursors are usually motile.2 Further, pathologically, cancers are

    classified into four different types:

    (1) Carcinoma: originates from epithelial cells in the skin or in other tissues

    that line or cover internal organ.

    2) Sarcoma: originates in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or

    other connective or supportive tissue.

    (3) Leukemia: originates in blood-forming tissues of the body such as

    bone marrow, causing abnormal proliferation of blood cells usually,

    white blood cells (leukocytes).

    (4) Lymphoma: originates in the cells of the immune system, also termed

    as cancers of the lymphoid organs such as the lymph nodes, spleen,

    and thymus, which produce and supply infection-fighting cells.3


                 Development of Cancer: Multi-Stage Carcinogenesis

    Carcinogenesis, the process of cancer development, is a multi-stage process.

    Generally, cancer starts with a mutational event (i.e., genetic

    changes) in a single normal cell; then, it will develop into a multi-stage

    process through the acquisition of further mutations that are inherited by

    the progeny of that cell when it divides, thus cancer is also termed as

    clonal disease (Fig. 1.1). In higher animals or humans, the use of a cancercausing

    agent ( carcinogen) does not lead to the immediate production of

    a tumor. Rather, it will arise after a long latent period. Berenblum and

    Shubik in 19404 showed that there are three major stages involved in the

    process of carcinogenesis. The first is initiation, which involves the mutagenic

    effects of the carcinogen. The second stage is promotion, which may

    be induced by several agents that are not directly carcinogenic (promoters)

    and may be followed by the chronic treatment of the carcinogens.

    The third stage is progression in which benign tumors either spontaneously,

    or followed by additional treatment of the carcinogens, will

    progress to invasive tumors. The latent period between initiation and the

    appearance of tumors is very long. After exposure to carcinogens, it may

    take more than 20 years before tumors develop in humans. Even in animals,

    if given heavy doses of carcinogens, it may take up to one-third of

    the animal’s total lifespan before tumors appear. Initiation and progression

    of cancer depend upon several external and internal factors such as

    tobacco use, exposure to infectious organisms, radiation, hormones,

    inherited mutations, and immune conditions. Uncontrolled mutations

    and selective expansion of cancer cells lead to tumor growth and progression,

    eventually spreading to other locations of the body. This proliferation of

    cancer cells is termed as metastasis.

                        Treatment Strategies for Cancer

    Options for the treatment of cancer are expanding at a high rate. Current

    strategies for treating cancer involve surgery, radiation, or drugs — either

    singly or in combination.5


    Surgical treatment involves excision of tumor, the most frequently

    employed form of tumor therapy worldwide. In recent years, surgery combined

    with other treatment approaches such as chemotherapy and

    radiation therapy, has enhanced the effectiveness of cancer treatment. The

    side effects of the surgical treatment depend upon the location of the

    tumor, the patient’s general health, type of operation, and other factors.


                                         Radiation therapy

    Radiation therapy involves the exposure of the body to ionizing radiations

    like X-rays and γ-rays to selectively target the cancer tissue. It

    includes the uptake of radioactive iodine, which travels in the blood to kill

    the cancer cells and is referred to as systemic radiation therapy. Additional

    types of radiation therapy include external beam radiation therapy (e.g.,

    X-ray tubes, cobalt gamma rays, and linear accelerators), brachytherapy

    (caesium-137, iodine-125, or iridium-192), and radiopharmaceuticals

    that target specific tissues. Currently, much research focuses on radiosensitizers

    and radioprotectors. Radiosensitizers are drugs which make the

    cancer cells more sensitive to the radiation therapy, in addition to anticancer

    drugs like 5-fluorouracil and cisplastin. Natural radioprotectors

    like rutin and quercetin, among others, are drugs that protect the normal

    cells from damage and promote the repair of normal cells caused by

    radiation therapy.6


    Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to treat cancer. Research over the

    past several decades has developed many chemotherapeutic agents for

    the treatment of cancer. These include mustard gas, cyclophosphamide,

    vincristine, vinblastine, taxol, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, etc. The common

    side effects of chemotherapy include nausea and vomiting, hair

    loss (alopecia), suppression of white blood cells and production of

    platelets (myelosuppression), diarrhea, and decreased spermatogenesis/

    ovarian follicle formation. Long-term toxicity and the risk of developing

    resistance to chemotherapy are formidable hindrances that could

    limit the chronic application strategy in the chemotherapy of several


                    Cancer Chemoprevention

    Cancer chemoprevention is a relatively new area in the field of oncology that

    uses naturally occurring or synthetic agents to inhibit the process of carcino

    genesis or to slow down the progression of cancer. Chemoprevention helps

    to lower the risk of developing invasive or clinically significant diseases.

    There are three different types of cancer chemoprevention: (1) primary prevention

    in high-risk healthy individuals; (2) cancer prevention in individuals

    who have developed pre-malignant lesions; and (3) prevention of secondary

    forms of cancers in patients already treated for a primary cancer. The final

    endpoint of all three aspects of chemoprevention is the attainment of clinical

    evidence for cancer reduction.7 Cancer chemopreventive agents prevent the

    transformation of pre-malignant lesions to form malignant tumors by

    modulating cell proliferation and/or differentiation.8 It has been recommended

    that these agents be administered over a long time period to

    individuals who have an increased risk of developing cancer; however, even

    minor adverse side effects would be unacceptable.9 It is now well established

    that the compounds present in fruits and vegetables have fewer side effects

    and are, therefore, ideal for cancer chemoprevention.